Chile De Polvo Para Elotes

Chile De Polvo Para Elotes

Welcome to my kitchen! I'm excited to share with you my recipe for Chile De Polvo Para Elotes. This flavorful powder is traditionally used to top Mexican street corn, but you can also use it as a seasoning for a variety of dishes. Let's get started! ## Recipe for Chile De Polvo Para Elotes **Ingredients:** - 1/4 cup ancho chile powder - 1/4 cup guajillo chile powder - 1/4 cup pasilla chile powder - 1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons garlic powder - 2 tablespoons dried oregano - 2 teaspoons ground cumin - 2 teaspoons smoked paprika - 1 teaspoon ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon kosher salt **Instructions:** ##### Step 1: In a medium bowl, combine the ancho, guajillo, and pasilla chile powders. ##### Step 2: Add the sesame seeds, garlic powder, oregano, cumin, smoked paprika, black pepper, and salt. Stir to combine. ##### Step 3: Store the chile de polvo in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. It will keep for up to 6 months. ##### Step 4: To use, sprinkle the chile de polvo on cooked corn, tacos, meats, fish, eggs, or vegetables. Enjoy!

Chile De Polvo Para Elotes

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